Challenge 3 is Here!

This challenge is all about how the Earth’s Surface Changes. Watch the videos and use the links to help you answer the questions. Good Luck! 

code: stemm5

Mrs. Roe has a set of directions for the BrainPOP site in her lab

or you can access it here. brainpop student-1qg8gq3

Use the following links to get to the 101 videos. The link on the paper has been changed by National Geographic. 🙁


Challenge 1 Results

41 out of 65 GT students signed up to participate in the Science Lab Olympiad. 23 of the 41 turned in their first challenge!

Two students tied for the top grade. It was a tough challenge that required careful reading of questions and paying close attention to the videos and websites to have the correct answers. Answers and top scoring students are posted by the lab.