Burley Primary News

Let’s Make This a GRAND Book Fair!

Let’s Make This a GRAND Book Fair!

Book Fair is coming! Students may begin looking at books in the virtual fair (click the Book Fair image) to get ideas of what they want, but students may begin buying when their Reading teacher brings them. Please see the schedule. It is recommended to set up an eWallet (click on the eWallet image) for your student, so that there is not any lost money. Grandparents’ Day is September 9th!!! More to come…

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Dress-Code Help

Dress-Code Help

Parents, we need your help please. Students must come to school in dress code. Please pay close attention to the section about tights as well as holes in pants. Students will not be allowed to attend class out of dress code. Thank you in advance for helping us with this and supporting us as we strive for consistency.

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A Note From PTK (Parents, Teachers, Kids)

A Note From PTK (Parents, Teachers, Kids)

As the beginning of the year approaches, we are looking to fill PTK Committee Chair/Co-Chair/Committee Positions for the 2022-2023 school year! We have worked to create positions, so that everyone who wants to be involved can be involved but not have to give all of their time to PTK. Most committees have a chair, co-chair and committee to help, so you shouldn’t be doing anything on your own! Use the link below to fill out the position interest form! Tell us how much or how little you want to be involved.

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Dress Code 2022

Dress Code 2022

Please pay close attention to the section about tights and holes in jeans. NO TIGHTS WILL BE ALLOWED WITHOUT A SHIRT OR TOP THAT IS AT LEAST FINGER TIP LONG. ALL holes in jeans must be fingertip length and below. If there are holes above the fingertips, they MUST not show skin, students may wear tights or some form of patch underneath.

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Brandon Scholarship Winners Announced!

Brandon Scholarship Winners Announced!

Brandon Elementary pride never dies! Once a Brandon Bear, Always a Brandon Bear! These are two phrases one will hear daily around the campus. We stand by our word, and we are certainly proud of these Brandon Bear graduates of 2022! This year the Brandon Elementary Student Council worked hard to sell HalloweenGrams, ChristmasGrams and Valograms; in addition, the whole 5th grade participated in a Powder Puff football game, raising enough money to offer four Brandon Alumni each a $400 scholarship.

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School Lunch Hero Day!

School Lunch Hero Day!

Ms. Bonnie and her crew were celebrated on Friday, May 6th!
We thank all of them for coming in at the crack of dawn to make sure all of our students are fed breakfast, then prepare a healthy lunch, every single day. 
With gratitude, Brandon surprised Ms. Bonnie and her crew with breakfast, Sonic Drinks, little gifts, and these signs! We hope the ladies know just how special they are! 

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Thank you, Nurse Perry

Thank you, Nurse Perry

We thank Nurse Perry with cards, gift cards and flowers, but we want her to know how valuable she is to Brandon Elementary. THANK YOU, Nurse Perry for taking care of students and staff at Brandon, (and helping out on other campuses too)! WE LOVE YOU! Thank you, thank...

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Brandon’s Teacher of the Year 21-22

Brandon’s Teacher of the Year 21-22

Brandon was proud to announce Rebecca Hurt as the TEACHER OF THE YEAR for 21-22. Miss Hurt has proven to go above and beyond, helping a new 3rd grade team to come together and do what is best for students. Her ideas and enthusiasm for teaching is infectious, and “we are blessed to have her on our campus.” One student, Zay, said she got it because “she is nice.” Another student, Aliana, said she got it, because “she teaches us.” While all that is true, she got it because her peers felt she is an exemplary teacher. Thank you, Miss Hurt, for being a teacher at Brandon Elementary!

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