Slack Elementary News

Slack U.I.L. Awards Show

Slack U.I.L. Awards Show

We are so proud of our Slack Stallions that participated in U.I.L. this year! Your knowledge and hard work really showed itself during our award show! (Click the link below to watch the video of our medal winners from Slack Elementary.) Slack U.I.L. Medal Winners...

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Dyslexia Awareness Month

Dyslexia Awareness Month

October is Dyslexia Awareness Month! Each year, October is recognized worldwide as Dyslexia Awareness Month, a time to come together to raise awareness, share resources, and tell stories about dyslexia success. Students and employees across...

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Lufkin ISD Health Forms

These are the health forms for Lufkin ISD. If you have a student that has a medical need, please download and print the form. You may fill the proper form out and return it with your student on the first day of school. You may also email your completed form to Nurse...

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