Burley Primary News

Who doesn’t love library? It is a place you can go in any town and discover the world. Thank you Mrs. Silva!

Congratulations Mrs. Pool!!

Congratulations Coach Yuja!!

Grandparents’ Day Celebration
Join us for lunch on Thursday, September 7th or Friday, September 8th

Congratulations Mrs. Pool on teacher of the year!!!!!

Thank you Mrs. Pool for your work toward making this possible!
Thank you Education Foundation for funding our S.T.R.E.A.M. Investigation Station!

Classes starts at 7:40 a.m.

PARENTS: Advanced Academics Programs virtual event scheduled for Jan. 14-22
Log on to lufkinisd.org between Jan. 14-22 to learn more about Lufkin ISD’s Advanced Academic Programs.

Coronavirus updates from LufkinISD.org — and helpful resources
Lufkin ISD will continue to post updates on the coronavirus situation at LufkinISD.org. If you have not done so already, we encourage you to visit LufkinISD.org, find the “SUBSCRIBE BY EMAIL” box and sign up for alerts as we post them.

Students gobble up the finish line at the Turkey Trot fundraiser
It was a beautiful day for a trot around the campus in the Turkey Trot fundraiser at Burley Primary. Huge thanks to our LHS helpers!

Burley Primary loves our Veterans!
Burley Primary hosted a Veterans Day program to thank those who serve our country and those who gave the ultimate sacrifice. We love our Veterans!

Drop Everything And Read (DEAR) Time
Community members and Lufkin ISD District employees joined Burley Primary students in ‘Drop Everything And Read Time’ reading to all 23 homeroom classes. Thanks to our volunteers!

We love our Burley Grandparents!
Thank you to our grandparents who came out to celebrate Grandparents Day at Burley Primary. We love our Burley Grandparents and all of the support they give our students and staff. We celebrate you today and every day!

The Burley Bobcats are off to a terrific start!
Dr. Goffney visited Burley Primary only to find lots of happy students and teachers. She greeted the new teachers with hugs and candy bars and welcomed the students back from their summer break. The Burley Bobcats are off to a terrific start and ready for the new...

Bring this flyer to Chipotle on night of Sept. 21 to support Burley Primary
Eat at Chipotle on the night of Sept. 21 to support Burley Primary School! Be sure to bring this flyer.

Welcome Back to School!
Welcome to a new school year at Burley Primary. We hope it’s a terrific one! Click below for a link to a list of 2017-18 back-to-school resources.
Welcome from the Principal!
We look forward to an amazing school year with achievement and success for our entire Burley family. With your support, this year will be an extraordinary one for all of us.

Panther Community Forum scheduled for Sept. 19
Block off 6 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. 19, for Lufkin ISD’s Panther Community Forum, where you can learn what’s new in the district and visit with school leaders. Click below for more information about the event.

Make sure you’ve registered for the new school year
InfoSnap, the Lufkin ISD online registration system, makes it easy for you to register your child for school.

Get Back to School Health Tips from the Doctors You Trust
Doctors from the Children’s Clinic of Lufkin have begun writing a series of articles to encourage families in the Lufkin Independent School District to be mindful of their health as the new school year begins.

Back-to-School tips for Burley students and parents
Burley Primary is committed to the safety of all students. To enhance and improve safety regulations, we are asking for your cooperation with the following protocols: Our school doors will open each morning at 7:15 a.m. We ask parents to please not drop off their...
Dual Language Program highlighted
To find out more about the Dual Language Program at Lufkin ISD, call District Bilingual Specialist Sylvia Eubanks at (936) 630-4274.