Teachers and staff worked hard to create a welcoming environment for students. The red carpet was rolled out. The bulletin boards and doors were decorated with Bitmojis and creative themes. The first day of school brought in nervous, yet excited students. Handshakes and hugs were plenty. Ready to greet the students were some of our HOST volunteers, and our Deputy Superintendent, Mr. Stephens. A few sights and sounds from the day include 3rd Grade school tours, and Ms. Sue rapping an informational Nutrition song in the cafeteria. There were  “getting to know you” activities, which is how we found out that Mrs. Friesen’s favorite food is “anything chocolate.” QR code activities with Mrs. Winters and Vann, using the new iPads, were a huge hit. Our new principal, Mr. Keith, along with Mrs. McHaney and Mrs. McClendon constantly walked the halls to make sure the new students were finding everything ok. Before we knew it, it was time to dismiss! Day 1 down! Let’s do it again tomorrow, Brandon Bears!