Lufkin Middle School News
LMS Lady Pack Softball Tryouts
LMS Lady Pack softball tryouts for 7th and 8th grade girls will be held August 18th from 4:30-6:00 pm at the new LHS softball field.
7th & 8th Grade Information
Click here to find information for incoming 7th and 8th grade students.
6th Grade Information
6th Grade Beginning of the Year Information
Click here to find information for incoming 6th grade students.
7th & 8th Grade Schedule Pick Up
7th and 8th Grade students can pick up their schedules Monday, July 31st. Parents will need to enter through the bus ramp under the purple awnings. All students MUST complete registration before picking up their schedule.
Stay Connected—Join Remind!
Stay connected with LMS- Join Remind!
Text 81010 your child’s grade level code.
6th grade: @2029lufkin
7th Grade: @2028lufkin
8th Grade: @ 2027lufkin
Online Registration
Access registration at
Students who are returning to Lufkin ISD from another school district, MUST contact the campus the student will be attending to obtain Login information for the Family Access/Parent Portal before registering online. Do NOT register as a NEW student.
When filling out the enrollment information, make sure to select the correct school year the child will be attending.
The Skyward Mobile App is not available for registration.
Class of 2029: Incoming 6th Graders
Class of 2029 we look forward to meeting you Monday, August 8th at Cub Camp. Cub Camp will begin at 8:30 am and end at 12:30 am. After students have attended Cub Camp, we invite parents and students to Open House on Monday evening from 5:00 pm-6:oo pm.
Summer Feeding Program
Summer feeding begins June 6th. Check this post for menu, locations, and times.
Accessing Student STAAR Assessment Results
Since school will not be in session, parents will need to access student STAAR results through the Family Portal at Click to find instructions for accessing your student’s scores.
Algebra I EOC results will be posted June 16th.
All 6-8 STAAR Assessments will be posted June 24th.
Paraprofessional of the Year
Ms. Brittany Guidry was named Paraprofessional of the Year for Lufkin Middle School. Ms. Guidry works with 7th grade math. Congratulations and thank you Ms. Guidry for all you do!
Newcomer of the Year
Mrs. Shaunna Morgan was named Newcomer of the Year for Lufkin Middle School. This is her first year at Lufkin Middle School. Mrs. Morgan teaches 8th grade Science. Congratulations and thank you for all you do!
Teacher of the Year
Mr. Patrick Yarbrough was named Teacher of the Year for Lufkin Middle School. Mr. Yarbrough teaches 7th grade Science. Congratulations and thank you Mr. Yarbrough for all you do!
2022-2023 LMS Majorette Results
Congratulations to the following students for making the 2022-2023 Lufkin Middle School Majorette Line!
Athletics 3rd Nine Weeks Honor Roll Students
College Week
Monday: College suits me to a “tee” -Wear your favorite college shirt.
Tuesday: Say “aloha” to your future – Wear Hawaiian themed apparel.
Wednesday: Score a scholarship – Wear a jersey.
Thursday: Your future is worth fighting for – Wear camo.
Friday: Your future starts here – Wear Lufkin spirit shirts.
Congratulations to the new members of the LMS Drill Team!
Congratulations to the new members of the Lufkin Middle School Drill Team! Click on the post to see the numbers of the young ladies who were selected to the squad.
Lufkin ISD Athletics Physicals
Lufkin ISD Athletics Physicals
Physicals are required of all student athletes, cheerleaders, drill team, and band. Physicals will take place at Lufkin High School in the Elmer Redd Athletic Complex Friday, April 22nd, starting at 1:00pm. Click here for more information.
LMS Facility Showcase
Thursday, March 31st
5:30 pm-6:30 pm
Morning Arrival Information
Student need to report to the following areas upon arrival in the morning:
6th Grade: Old Gym
7th Grade: New Building Practice Gym
8th Grade: New Building Competition Gym
Please see the map for more details.
A Message from Mr. Mijares
Dear Parents/Guardians:
We are excited about the completion of our new 7th and 8th grade building. Our plan is to move
7th and 8th grade students into the new building after Spring Break. 6th grade and elective
classrooms will be relocated to existing buildings on campus while construction begins on their
new classrooms. Our staff is working diligently to make this process as smooth as possible. Our
goal is to complete this transition in a safe manner with limited disruptions to our learning
We ask for your understanding and patience as some of our offices will be relocated, our student
pickup/drop off and bus area will change slightly, and new areas of the campus will be under
construction. We have included a map to assist you with these changes along with our new bell
schedule. Please do your best to stay attentive to the signage around our campus.
This is an exciting time for LMS as we move forward with phase two of our LMS bond project.
As always, it is a great day to be a Lufkin Panther!
Andres Mijares
Lufkin Middle School
Lufkin Middle School Spring 2022
Over Spring Break, the LMS office for visitors and student sign-in and sign-out was relocated. Visitors and parents will need to access the office from Tulane Drive. Office hours are from 8:30 am- 3:30 pm. Please see the map for more details.
LMS Yearbook Sales
Purchase the 2021-2022 yearbook before May 6th!
Students interested in being an LMS or LHS Drill Team for the 2022-2023 school year are required to attend the informational parent meeting on March 1st. Seventh grade students and parents will meet in the LHS Cafeteria at 6:00 pm. Eighth grade students and parents will meet at 6:30pm in the LHS Tom Jack Lucas Auditorium.
Students interested in being an LMS or LHS Cheerleader for the 2022-2023 school year are required to attend the informational parent meeting on February 24th at 6:15pm in the LHS Tom Jack Lucas Auditorium. Stop by S-115 at the High School or the LMS Front Office to pick-up a yellow information packet.
LMS Winter 2022 Construction Update
Click here to view a video of the winter 2022 LMS construction update.