On Friday, January 24, Lufkin Middle School 8th graders had the exciting opportunity to learn about the GeoFORCE Texas Summer Academy, a once-in-a-lifetime experience available to Reset & Reimagine (R2) GEAR UP students.

This incredible program takes students on a weeklong adventure each summer, beginning before their freshman year of high school, to explore geological wonders across the United States. Through hands-on experiences, students gain a deeper understanding of science in ways that go beyond the classroom.

The application process encourages students to think about their future, set goals, and take the first steps toward achieving their dreams. We can’t wait to see how many of our Class of 2029 students are accepted into this prestigious program!

Click here to see pictures from the event —–>https://www.canva.com/design/DAGdxt9fmu8/Nb_KaX450MmJE5fsbO6Vuw/watch?utm_content=DAGdxt9fmu8&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=uniquelinks&utlId=h15e3b7a026