by April Soderquist | Oct 6, 2020 | Athletics, Cheer, Homepage Featured, Lufkin High School, Panther Band, Panther Pride, volleyball
Show and spread your LP spirit with a new Facebook frame to support your favorite students! The above are samples, and more will be added soon. You can search for frames by name: Lufkin Panther Band | Panther Tennis | Cheer LHS 20-21 | LHS Cheerleader |...
by April Soderquist | Oct 5, 2020 | Athletics, Lufkin High School
Get ticket info, event rules and safety information, and stadium directions, here. The game will also be streamed live (picture only, no sound) at this link from Magnolia West.
by April Soderquist | Oct 1, 2020 | Homepage Featured, Lufkin High School
We are so excited to announce that Lufkin swept the M14 Official Mission Patch competition, with both winners (lower grade division and upper division) from LISD! Congratulations to Cami Hartzog, 5th grade at Brandon Elementary and Paola Diaz, 9th grade at Lufkin...