Kurth Primary News

Maintenance Appreciation Day: March 7

National School Social Workers Week: March 2-8

Educational Diagnosticians Week: March 2-8

Book Fair- February 24-28
Book Fair: February 24th-28th! Please visit our Book Fair website for more information about eWallets and Book Fair week! https://www.scholastic.com/bf/kurthprimaryschool Feria del Libro: ¡24 al 28 de febrero! ¡Visite nuestro sitio web de la Feria del Libro para...

Hopping to School for Egg-cellent Attendance
Good morning Kurth families, we are excited to announce our new attendance incentive. We are giving away the ultimate Easter basket to two k-2 students on April 17th. Beginning on Tuesday, 2/18, your child will earn a golden ticket every day they are present at...

Math & Literacy Carnival- Tuesday, February 25th
Please join us for our Math and Literacy Carnival on February 25th from 4:30 to 6:00. This is a free and fun event for the whole family. We will play games and enjoy hotdogs and popcorn. Kurth students will leave the event with a goodie bag filled with books, games,...

Mid- Winter Break: February 13th- 17th

100 Days Brighter- Tomorrow, Wednesday 29th

Book Fair- February 24th- 28th

Black History Month- February 2025

UIL Competition- Friday, January 17th

100th Day of School- Wednesday, January 29th

Martin Luther King Jr. Day- Monday, January 20th

Winter Break December 23rd- January 7th

Early Release Friday, December 20th @12pm

Christmas Spirit Week December 16th-20th
Christmas Spirit Week: December 16th- 20th Monday, December 16th: Merry Monday wear your favorite Christmas sweater or t-shirt Tuesday, December 17th: Tinsel Toes wear your silliest socks Wednesday, December 18th: Rocking around the Christmas Tree- Dress like your...

1st Grade Holiday Program Thursday, December 19th

December Upcoming Events
12/5: Fall Picture Retake Day 12/6: Pictures with Santa 12/13: Christmas Spectacular 12/16- 12/20: Christmas Spirit Week 12/19: 1st Grade Holiday Program 12/20: Early Release 12/23-1/3: Christmas Break More information to come!

Thanksgiving Break- November 25-29

Early Release- Friday, November 22nd
Early Release @ 12:00pm!!! There will be no Clubhouse. If your child normally goes to clubhouse, please call the school and let the office know how they will be getting home (bus or car).

Substitute Professional Day- November 22nd

Paraprofessional Day- November 20

World Kindness Day- November 13th
Please wear blue, a cardigan, or kindness shirt!

Veterans Day 2nd Grade Programs- November 11th