Herty Primary News

Way to Go! Herty Kids Made It Snow!

Way to Go! Herty Kids Made It Snow!

Herty students accepted a challenge recently. A $2,000 goal was set for the scholastic book fair and our kids met that goal with gusto! In reward for meeting that goal, the students were treated to a snowball fight. Mrs. Riggs and Miss Gilbert were bombarded with shaving-cream snow and fluffy, fleecy snowballs. Click on “read more” for pictures of the fun Friday flocking!

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Literacy Night 2019

Literacy Night 2019

We had a great turn-out for Literacy Night at Herty Primary! Students and parents visited booths of ADAC, HEB, Herty PTKK; they enjoyed popcorn popped by the Angelina College Men’s basketball team. They also played numerous literacy-based games and visited the Scholastic Book Fair. Kona Ice was also on location selling snow-cones for this Artic Adventure themed occasion.

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Big Kahuna Fundraiser

Big Kahuna Fundraiser

The Big Kahuna fundraiser has kicked off at Herty Primary. Students are selling a variety of items to raise money for their school. The money will go towards things such as playground equipment, PE equipment and/or technology. All fundraising money and order sheets will be due by September 20th.

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LISD Education Foundation Awards Grants at Herty Primary

LISD Education Foundation Awards Grants at Herty Primary

Congratulations to Lena Nickle, Tracy Morris, Kirby Bryce, Allyson Dunn, Nikki Neal and Amy Beaudion for receiving grants to enrich their classroom learning experiences! Mrs. Nickle & Mrs. Morris received the $1,478.29 Comfort with a Constant Hug grant. The money will go toward funding sensory items that will help kids deal with anxiety.

Mrs. Bryce was awarded an $895.94 grant, Listening in 2nd Grade,. This program is designed to help students who haven’t yet gained the ability to read.

Lastly, the Herty 2nd grade team, received a $3,780 grant to fund Osmo Innovators. Osmo is a program that hooks up to ipads and allows students to explore math, reading and science through different manipulations in the program. Click on “read more” for more pictures.

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Inservice Days at Herty Primary

Inservice Days at Herty Primary

Herty staff is busy planning and preparing for the upcoming school year! Our first day of school is August 14, 2019. “Meet the Teacher” will be on August 12, 2019 from 3:00 ’til 5:00 PM. Shout-out to First Baptist Church for a delicious breakfast on our first day back! Also, a huge thanks to CHI St. Lukes’s Health – Memorial for another wonderful breakfast and gift pack (jumper-cables and tools!!!!) this week. We are looking forward to another great year at Herty Primary!! Click on “read more” to see the happy faces of our Herty Staff.

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