Herty Primary News

Celebrating Dr. Suess!

Celebrating Dr. Suess!

Herty students celebrated Dr. Suess’s birthday on Read-Across America Day earlier this week. Thanks to the numerous community volunteers that came in and read to our students! Also, shout out to Miss Walker and the reading lab ladies in all their efforts to make this day so special.

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UIL 2020

UIL 2020

Herty’s UIL teams recently competed with other schools across the district. Our students competed in music memory, storytelling and creative writing.

We are SUPER proud of all our students. Our music team placed 6th. In creative writing, Carson placed 2nd, Mibella placed 3rd and Adelina placed 6th. Congrats to the kiddos. Also, a big thank you goes out to Mrs. Nickle, Ms. Beaudion and Mrs. Bryce for all the time and effort to coach the kids in this extra-curricular activity!

Click on “read more” for pictures of the awards ceremony held at Lufkin High School.

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Veteran’s Day Program

Veteran’s Day Program

Herty Primary honored Veterans and Veteran’s Day with a musical program by our 2nd graders. Miss Hogue and students put on a fabulous musical complete with a guitar-tribute of “This Land is Your Land”. Herty was blessed to have three Veteran’s attend the program. Students wore festive holiday hats and carried flags, members of the LHS band performed “Taps” and we had a special reading by 1st grader, Luka Gaitain. Click on “read more” for more pictures of the program.

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ADAC Visits Herty Primary

ADAC Visits Herty Primary

In celebration of Red Ribbon Week, representatives from the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Council visited Herty Primary to educate students on the importance of promoting a drug-free lifestyle. Leo the Lion made his annual appearance and worked the crowd pumping the students up with chants and songs about drug awareness.

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