Herty Primary News

Herty Happenings
Principal Jill Riggs pulled double duty mopping breakfast spills on Friday as we prepared for Spring Break. Lorita Davis surprised us with her secret recipe cake! If you’ve never had this cake, you are MISSING OUT!

Spring Break, March 8-12, 2021

First Baptist Church Feeds Herty Families
Lufkin’s First Baptist Church has generously supported Herty Primary over the last few years. On Monday, February 22nd, First Baptist Church served Herty families a hot meal to aide in recovering from winter storm URI. Additionally, they provided sacks of food. Thank you, First Baptist Church, for loving our school families.

Black History Month
Herty students celebrated Black History month by creating posters of famous black people. Click on “read more” to see the contribution of posters. Check back in for more pictures of Black History Month at Herty Primary.

Mask Up
Every student must wear a mask at school!

Mandatory Masks
Beginning Monday, February 15, 2021, all primary aged students must wear masks daily.

100 Book Club
2nd grade students were recognized for reading 100 Accelerated Reader books through the second nine weeks of school. These students were presented trophies by Principal Jill Riggs. Click on “read more” for more pictures of these fabulous readers.

100 Days of School
Herty students and staff celebrated the 100th day of school. Click on “read more” for many pictures of students, staff and posters of 100 day fun!

Tillar’s Litter Patrol
Mrs. Tillar’s Kindergarten friends took advantage of this beautiful day to clean up trash around our campus. Thank you, Tillar friends, for taking pride in our school’s appearance.

National School Counseling Week
Shout out to Miss Gilbert, Herty’s counselor. She has a generous heart and loves our Herty kiddos so much. Thank you for all you do.

PTK Pops By
Herty PTK surprised staff members with a quick little pick-me up! We LOVE our PTK! Thanks, PTK, for treating us during this lllloooonnnngg winter month!

Turkey in Disguise!
Mrs. Cobb’s class wrote and published a book, Turkey in Disguise! The book was a collaboration of some super smart first grade students. Mrs. Cobb says “I am so proud of the work they did, and they are so proud to see their writing in an actual book.” Herty is proud of these young authors and illustrators! Well done Turkeys!

SNOW DAY: School canceled on Monday, Jan. 11, 2021
Due to the uncertainty of the road conditions and the safety of our students/parents/staff, Lufkin ISD is canceling school on Monday, Jan. 11, 2021.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, Jan. 18th, Staff/Student Holiday

PARENTS: Advanced Academics Programs virtual event scheduled for Jan. 14-22
Log on to lufkinisd.org between Jan. 14-22 to learn more about Lufkin ISD’s Advanced Academic Programs.

12 Days of Christmas – Days 11 & 12
A cup of cocoa to put in your belly. Be careful, it’s as sweet as a bowl full of jelly.
We know it’s been crazy, a challenge, a mess! Let’s draw some prizes, oh yes, oh yes! —- Names were drawn for random prizes from chocolates and Sonic gift cards.

12 Days of Christmas – Days 9 & 10
Here’s your monogram to use as you wish just peel off the back and stick to a dish! Herty admin provided personalized monogram stickers for all staff members.
It’s time to play our White Elephant game, no running or shouting, we all have to be tame! Click on “read more” for pictures from the White Elephant gift exchange.

Morris’ Polar Express/Pajama Day
Mrs. Morris’ class enjoyed the annual pajama day and watching the Polar Express movie!

Deck the Halls
Herty Primary is ready for the holidays! Click on “read more” for sightings around the campus!

2nd Grade Ugly Sweater Day
Today’s forecast is a 100% chance of ugly sweater weather! Herty Primary second graders are feeling warm and festive as they show off their Christmas attire!

12 Days of Christmas – Days 7-8
When what to your wondering eyes should appear, but breakfast from smiling First Baptist who cheer! Shout out to First Baptist Church for a delicious Chick-Fil A breakfast complete with chicken biscuits, hashbrowns and juice! Thank you FBCLufkin!
Now we have begun our last week of school, the PTK has drinks and popcorn that is so cool! PTK gave us popcorn balls and sodas! Thanks so much PTK!!

12 Days of Christmas – Days 4-6
Day 4 – Some staff members were jolly, some filled with dread, but visions of pie danced in their heads. Herty PTK provided delicious pies for each staff member! Thanks PTK!
Day 5 -With lunch time approaching and a rumbling tummy, staff received a lunch that is yummy! Staff members enjoyed a wonderful lunch of baked potatoes with more toppings than you can dream up and a salad, dessert and drink of choice! MMMMMMMMM!
Day 6 – If out in the hallway there arises a clatter, it’s PTK coming with Snowman Soup on a platter! Thank you Herty PTK for the awesome creative hot chocolate (Snowman Soup) bags and super sweet cookies! Click on “read more” for pictures of these fun Christmas surprises!

12 Days of Christmas – Herty Style
'Twas the school year of COVID and all through the rooms, the staff wore face masks except when on Zooms! Thanks to Mrs. Glenda Keel, Herty staff was treated to new masks! All staff were kept happy with jeans for December, lets make a...

Miller’s 2nd Grade Mystery Motivator
Students in Mrs. Amy Miller’s classroom earned an awesome treat of cookies and milk aka Yahoo chocolate drink! These treats were actually the class Mystery Motivator earned by the students by demonstrating good manners, great behavior, willingness to learn ,respecting others and a variety of other great citizenship actions. These students didn’t know what their prize would be until the jar was full. Mrs. Miller read the well-loved book If You Give a Mouse A Cookie and surprised them with cookies and Yahoo chocolate drink. Congratulations Mrs. Miller’s class!

Thanksgiving Shenanigans
Herty staff treated with pie!