Herty Primary News
Early Dismissal
LISD will have early dismissal on Friday, November 19th. Herty Primary will dismiss students at 12 Noon.
Turkeys in the Library
Mrs. Tillar’s Kindergarten class crafted turkeys during their library time.
Celebrating Breaunna Phillips
Herty’s after school program is coordinated and led by Bre Phillips. We appreciate all you do to make the Clubhouse successful!
Book Characters at Herty
The video of our parade was too long to upload. But click on “read more”
for some pictures from today’s event.
2021 Run of the Panthers
Lufkin ISD held their annual Run of the Panthers. Here’s our very own participants. Click on “read more” for more pictures.
Windy Day With Wade’s Class
Mr. Wade’s class took advantage of the windy day and experienced kite-flying! Click on “read more” for more pictures.
Music Wall
Herty PTK created a music wall for students. Check back for more pictures of a student demonstration.
Instructional Coaches Day
We’re celebrating Nikki Choate today for Instructional Coaches day! Thanks for all you do Nikki!
Donuts & Kolaches
Special thanks to Lufkin’s First Baptist Church for providing donuts and kolaches for us on Staff Development day!
Beat the Bell
These kids beat the bell. Herty primary recognizes kids who are here on time and already working at 7:40 am! Parents, please get your kids here on time to be chosen (at random) for a great prize!
Fall Writing in 2nd Grade
Herty Custodians Rock!
It’s National Custodian’s Day. Herty appreciates and recognizes these ladies for all they do to keep our school tidy.
Manic Monday
Thanks, Whataburger and PTK, for a special treat on this manic Monday! It’s appreciated!
Nacho Luncheon
Wrapping up week 6 with a nacho bar luncheon. Yum!
Second Sacks
Miss Gilbert and her helper prepare to pass out Second Sacks. Second Sacks is a weekend child-feeding program that serves Herty Primary students. Area donors provide food for some students to take home and eat over the weekend.
Meet Ms. Fuller’s Class
Click on “read more” for a few pictures from Ms. Fuller’s (and Ms. Sandy, Ms. Pam & Ms. Diana) PPCD class.
School Picture Day – coming 9/24
Big Kahuna Fundraiser
Check your child’s backpack for the Big Kahuna Fundraiser packet. Your child could win a trip on the party bus. Check the packet for details. Fundraiser closes 9/23/2021.
Labor Day Holiday, No School, Sept. 6
Lufkin ISD will be closed in honor and celebration of the Labor Day holiday, Monday, September 6th, 2021.
Mandatory Masks
Beginning Tuesday, September 7th, Lufkin ISD will require all students and teachers to wear masks to school.
Eagle Scout Project Beautifies Herty Campus
Justin Griffith’s Eagle Scout Service Project is complete! The campus beautification project at Lufkin ISD’S Herty Primary was funded by donations from the campus’ faculty and staff, as well a grant awarded to the school. Assisted by a project coach, Justin planned and led others in the project’s completion. We think it turned out terrific!
End of Year Awards
End of the Year awards were given, celebrating numerous accomplishments. Click on read more for pictures!
Kindergarten Graduation
Herty Kindergarteners have graduated …… click on “read more” for more pictures of today’s Graduation!
Early Dismissal, May 27th
Hamilton & Walker Retires
Herty celebrates the retirement of Nurse Glenda Walker and SPED/PPCD Teacher Kim Hamilton.