Herty Primary News

Coats Please

Coats Please

Since weather temperatures are as cold as they are, please send your child to school in/with a coat. Our sidewalks are open to the winter weather! Also remind them to keep up with their coat and be sure to wear it out of the building at dismissal time.

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End of the Year Awards

End of the Year Awards

Special Education Kindergarten Graduation May 17th 9:30-10:30 Kindergarten Graduation May 20th Rayburn/Hill-9:15-10:15 Childress/Johnson 11-12 First Grade Awards May 21st 9:30-10:30 Second Grade Awards May 21st Miller/Smith 11:45-12:45 Hernandez/Carrillo 1:45-2:45...

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Celebrating Nurse Ashley McElvey

Celebrating Nurse Ashley McElvey

In honor of National School Nurse Day, Herty Primary recognizes Nurse Ashley McElvey. Nurse Ashley is the bomb! She truly is compassionate, kind, patient and so loving to all kids and staff. She goes above and beyond to accommodate and tend to all of our campus needs. She misses lunch most days to take care of students. Thank you, Ashley, for all you do for Herty!

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