Herty Primary News

Kindergarten Graduation Pictures
Kindergarten Graduation pictures will be made March 18, 2025.

Read Across America
Herty Primary will celebrate Read Across America on Friday, March 7th.

Spring Break
Spring Break is here! Students have early dismissal on Friday, March 7th, and have no school from March 10th to the 14th.

Spring Fling
Our Spring Fling event will be hosted from 5:30-7:00pm on Thursday, March 20th.

Big Kahuna Fundraiser Kicks Off
Check your child’s backpack for their Big Kahuna fundraiser packet as pictured. Click on read more for a photo of some of the prizes. Check out the packet for complete details.

Innovation and Advanced Academics Community Showcase
The public is invited to Lufkin ISD’s Innovation and Advanced Academics Community Showcase held on February 11th from 5:30 to 7 pm at Lufkin Middle School.

Valentine’s Pictures
Herty PTK is making Valentine’s Day pictures on February 3rd. Check your child’s backpack for an order form. Money for the pictures is due by Wednesday, January 29th. Picture featured is NOT an actual depiction of the photo backdrop.

Student Holidays, Feb. 13, 14, 17
Herty Primary will have staff and student holidays on February 13 and 14. Students will also be off on Monday, February 17th for a staff development day.

Coats Please
Since weather temperatures are as cold as they are, please send your child to school in/with a coat. Our sidewalks are open to the winter weather! Also remind them to keep up with their coat and be sure to wear it out of the building at dismissal time.

100th Day of School
The 100th Day of School will be celebrated on Wednesday, January 29th. Your child’s teacher will address this within each classroom and/or grade level.

MLK Day/School Holiday
Lufkin ISD will be closed on Monday, January 20th, in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr’s birthday.

Welcome Back Herty Hornets
We are excited to see your kiddos return for the spring semester! Classes start at 7:40 am, please make sure your child arrives on time every day. School attendance is so important for student success; please do all you can to ensure that success!

Picture Day 2024
Thursday, September 19th will be picture day for Herty Primary. Order forms have been sent home.

Grandparents Day
Grandparents day will be celebrated at Herty Primary during each child’s lunch on Friday, September 6th. Please check with your child’s teacher for specific lunch times if you plan on attending.

Labor Day Holiday for Staff and Students
Monday, September 2nd is a school holiday for students and staff. School resumes Tuesday, September 3rd.
Back to School Rally

Pop on over and meet the Leadership Team
Come and enjoy a popsicle (or two) and meet Herty's Leadership team!

End of the Year Awards
Special Education Kindergarten Graduation May 17th 9:30-10:30 Kindergarten Graduation May 20th Rayburn/Hill-9:15-10:15 Childress/Johnson 11-12 First Grade Awards May 21st 9:30-10:30 Second Grade Awards May 21st Miller/Smith 11:45-12:45 Hernandez/Carrillo 1:45-2:45...

College Week April 29-May 3

Teacher Appreciation Week May 6-10
We have Top Notch Teachers at Herty Primary!
Fiesta Fun Day!
Field day is set for May 3rd. Parents are Welcome to join their child! More information coming soon!

Grandparent’s Day Fun!

Come meet Herty’s new principals at 6 p.m. July 20
Enjoy a popsicle and get to know the new principals of Herty Primary! It’s a come-and-go event from 6-7 p.m. on Thursday, July 20.

Happy Speech Pathologist Day
Kuddos to these two ladies, Kristian Taylor and Jamie Moore! These are our Speech Pathologists and they serve 90+ children here at Herty! Thank you Kristian and Jamie! We love you!!!

Celebrating Nurse Ashley McElvey
In honor of National School Nurse Day, Herty Primary recognizes Nurse Ashley McElvey. Nurse Ashley is the bomb! She truly is compassionate, kind, patient and so loving to all kids and staff. She goes above and beyond to accommodate and tend to all of our campus needs. She misses lunch most days to take care of students. Thank you, Ashley, for all you do for Herty!