by ttaylor | Jan 28, 2019 | Hackney Primary, Homepage Featured
We celebrated Black History at Hackney Primary by having the students to travel around the school with stations and the students had FUN!!! This website includes some COOL FUN...
by ttaylor | Jan 28, 2019 | Hackney Primary, Homepage Featured
Students will have a day off in observation of President’s Day! Enjoy the day and relax!
by ttaylor | Jan 17, 2019 | Hackney Primary, Homepage Featured
Hackney Primary students will celebrate Valentine’s Day in each classroom on Thursday, February 14, 2019 at 12:30 p.m.. Teachers will send home more information.
by ttaylor | Jan 17, 2019 | Hackney Primary, Homepage Featured
Thank a Counselor!!
by ttaylor | Jan 7, 2019 | Hackney Primary, Homepage Featured
The students at Hackney Primary will take group pictures (pictures taken with teachers and classmates) on January 24, 2019. Teachers will send more information with your child.