Friday, April 28th, was a Day in the Arts and Sciences at Dunbar! Community volunteers came to the classrooms with an activity or demonstration to share. Experiences like today are so important for growing brains! We had so much fun! A BIG thank you to our presenters:
Encore LHS Robotics with Juan Aguilar Rudy Flores Ketzaly Folklore Mexicano Dancers
US Forest Service Pineywoods Veterinary with Dr. Hafernick LHS Culinary with Micaela Navarez
Jamie Mahan & Kathy Goehring Vera Bank Kurth Memorial Library Lynn Benner & Sarah Wallace
Mary Beth Powell LISD Technology with Dr. Smith & Misty Spencer Woodland Heights KTRE
Becker Art Studio Museum of East Texas with Vicki Lunell Angelina Beautiful Clean
Texas A&M Forest Service Texas A&M Agriculture Extension Office