Trout Primary News

Kozy Kids Campaign!

Kozy Kids Campaign!

The call went out and the people answered. Trout Primary Assistant Principal Amanda Aguilar sent out a request on Facebook and through email to collect scarves, hats and mittens, which kicked off the Kozy Kidz Campaign. The response was overwhelming. Please click to read article!

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This year we are partnering with to raise funds for essential tools our students and teachers need to succeed. SchoolStore’s program is 100% online so there is no selling or handling of money or products. Your participation is easy with no more than 12 min. of your time required, and there is a nice prize program available to make this a fun experience. Please check your child’s backpack for the packet sent home today!

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College Week!

College Week!

Staff and students celebrated college week May 8th – May 12th. May 9th staff and students were encouraged to to be “college roomates” and dress like twins. May 11th C2G parade and seniors visited the elementary campuses!

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