Truckin’ Along

I hope everyone had a great 4-day weekend! After a mini-break like that, I know it can be hard to get back into the swing of things. However, time goes on and so must we.

In Algebra II, we started Unit 4 over factoring. Luckily, today was an easier day. We were factoring using the Greatest Common Factor (GCF). Basically, we wanted to take out the biggest item that we could. That’s really all there was to it – What’s the largest item you can take out? Then, write whatever is left inside a set of parentheses beside the GCF.

In Finite, we looked at equations that involved logarithms and exponentials. This was sort of like a “capstone” section for Test 2 in that it put together a lot of what we have been looking at, especially during Chapter 4 (last week). We had 4 different approaches to these problems, so see the notes to see which game plan is the correct approach. (Psst…rumor has it that there is even a homework problem somewhere in the notes, so go look.)

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