Rank One is our electronic paperwork system for documenting the physical health of our actively involved students. All student athletes, cheerleaders, and drill team members need to complete Rank One online registration, yearly.  There are two separate uploads required, one for the physical, and one for the medical history questionnaire. The deadline to complete all electronic paperwork is July 24, 2023.  Do not wait until the last minute, as this is a state-wide system.

Important Notes:

  • If you are turning in your medical history, please use the medical history upload. Any questions marked “yes” need an explanation in the box provided. If any questions are left unanswered, the form will be denied.
  • Parent and student signatures are needed at the bottom of the page. If there is no signature, it will be denied.
  • Please make sure that the physical and medical history uploads are clear, legible pictures. Blurry pictures and illegible pictures will be denied.
  • Emergency cards need to have the first and last name of the parent/guardians. If there is no last names, the form will be denied. You need at least one emergency contact other than parent/guardians. If there is no emergency contact, it will be denied.

If you have any questions, call 936.632.7656. Please note that the Athletic Training Room is closed for the summer and messages will be checked periodically.

To access Lufkin ISD Rank One, please go to this link: https://lufkinisd.rankonesport.com/New/NewInstructionsPage.aspx